Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Dinner, an arrangement part one.

Once in a while I love to invite guests over for dinner. But as I'm a bit of a perfectionist that requires some serious changes to my apartment. Since it is lacking an actual dining room there is the need to improvise on the layout of my living room. Depending on my mood and the number of guests I figured out two possible changes to the arrangment of the furniture. The first one, that I'm gonna show on the pictures below, is based on a cosy atmosphere that allows to just add a dining table in the left corner of the room. The chairs are usually spread around the whole apartment and are gathered around a classic round dining table with a long white tablecloth. The sofa arrangment is just moved towards the entrance hall but is fully useable and mainly used to drink an aperitif there and also enjoy a casual desert and coffee after the dinner. Of course it also means that every little piece of furniture like sidetables or so and of course all the lamps have to be moved to different places to provide for the perfect atmosphere. To help you figure out the changes the first photo posted below is the usual layout of the room. Enjoy ;)

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